
import SO, RO and POs admin interface

Opened this issue · 3 comments

oloo commented

build an admin UI to import sales orders, release orders and purchase orders

oloo commented

@cameotisha i am first going to build this out basing on what we initially had. I will make it such that it is easy to make changes to the structure of the data before we lock it down

  • one page for importing SO/RO/PO/WAYBILL
  • it should not matter how many columns are in the excel file as long as the required headings are in the correct format.
oloo commented
  1. As we agreed with Panwar, the data they are giving us is the basic raw format from Vision so even the column positions should be fixed.
  2. The PO, RO and Waybill data is all in the raw release order files so from the interface the user is only expected to import the release order data