
Disable close browser

Franclayton opened this issue · 5 comments


How to disabling browser closure after scenario finishes?


Hey @Franclayton

There is no option to do that now.
What's the case, why do you need that?


because using Specflow + Selenium I can close the browser or not using Driver.Quit () in a method annotated with the hook BeforeScenario.

Is it possible to run tests with the --headless option for the browser? Is it possible to add this capability?

Now Driver.Quit() is configured in [TearDown]. So no support of AfterScenario.
What's the case to use this hook?

About headless:
--headless and other options can be passed into capabilities

      <component name="YourHeadlessBrowser" type="Unickq.SpecFlow.Selenium.Local.ChromeDriver, Unickq.SpecFlow.Selenium.SpecFlowPlugin" service="OpenQA.Selenium.IWebDriver, WebDriver" instance-scope="per-dependency">
          <parameter name="capabilities">
              <item key="arguments" value="--window-size=1900,1050 --headless" />

Thank you for your help! The headless one worked perfectly.

About Driver.Quit is the same or the other to leave the browser open for testing and viewing a web interface.

Can you override [TearDown] to not close the browser?

I think it's possible now without code change.

But you can use Debug mode and configure SpecFlow for debugging and use breakpoints in a generated file to avoid browser quit.

<generator allowDebugGeneratedFiles="true"/>