
AppProperties.Pages() doesn't always return the correct number of pages

lpinto-ripcord opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to get the page count of several office documents. However I've noticed that not all of them return the correct page count.

It seems that in the documentation it mentions "Pages returns total number of pages which are saved by the text editor which produced the document. For unioffice created documents, it is 0.", could this be related to that?

If so, which method can I use to get a consistent correct count?

Expected Behavior

Document "2pages.docx" should print 2
Document "9pages.docx" should print 9

Actual Behavior

Document "2pages.docx" prints 0
Document "9pages.docx" prints 3

Code and Documents


package main

import (


func init() {
	// Make sure to load your metered License API key prior to using the library.
	// If you need a key, you can sign up and create a free one at https://cloud.unidoc.io
	err := license.SetMeteredKey("...")
	if err != nil {

func main() {
	docPath := "./Pages.docx"

	doc, err := document.Open(docPath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error opening the document: %v", err)

	pageCount := doc.AppProperties.Pages()
	fmt.Println("Page count:", pageCount)

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3ace commented

Hi @lpinto-ripcord

The issue with getting the actual page number is because it could only properly calculated when opening the document from an app such as MS Word or others because the document file itself didn't contain any kind of info related to pages other than the one available in the document properties which is returned by AppProperties.Pages method.

To work around this, in UniOffice v1.31.0 that released recently we introduced an experimental function utils.GetNumPages to calculate the page number by converting the DOCX file into a PDF document and getting the page count from there.

You could use the new method just like this:

doc, err := document.Open("9pages.docx")
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("error opening document: %s", err)
defer doc.Close()

fmt.Println("Total number of pages in the document from properties:", doc.AppProperties.Pages())

actualCount, err := utils.GetNumPages(doc)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("error calculating page count: %s", err)

fmt.Println("Total number of pages in the document from calculation:", actualCount)


fmt.Println("Total number of pages in the document from properties:", doc.AppProperties.Pages())

This method is currently marked as an experimental because the conversion result itself probably produces an incorrect result.

Additionally, we also introduced a new method AppProperties.SetPages to overwrite the page count in the document properties.

If by some chances the result of utils.GetNumPages method is not suitable for your case, I would suggest to manually convert the DOCX to PDF by yourself using any other means and then use UniPDF to get the page count.