

wooorm opened this issue · 7 comments

Shawn did some early work mapping a CSS (sass, scss, less, ...) syntax tree to unist in sast. Maybe we can standardise it into it’s own re* ecosystem? It’s based on gonzales.

Now, making an organisation around this isn’t very hard, as @ChristianMurphy recently showed with redot. Creating an ecosystem with useful plugins is and that takes up a lot of time. A few years ago I created rehype because I wanted to lint HTML. Parsing HTML isn’t very hard, so creating the processor was relatively easy. Validating HTML is. And I still haven’t been able to finish the linting plugin.

So, although I think this is super interesting, and some of the ground work is done already, I’m wondering:

  • What’s the benefit of creating a unist namespace for css, and a unified processor around it? There’s already postcss around and it’s pretty established.
  • Should related languages like sass, scss, less be supported?
  • Should gonzales be used as a base?

/CC @shawnbot @ChristianMurphy

Hello there! Thanks for the intro, Titus. I agree that the biggest hurdle in doing this would be justifying the introduction of a brand new toolchain in a world where postcss already has a huge ecosystem and community. I made sast because I was looking to use unist tools to query SCSS files, which culminated in stylegrep. I used that tool to perform some analysis on a large SCSS codebase, but quickly realized that a lot of the queries I ended up running were easier to do with grep or ack; so I'm not totally convinced that sast's existence is even justified.

I've got a bunch of other random thoughts, but just wanted to float that first for y'all to chew on. What do you think?

My first thought is that I'm super interested in all those other random thoughts of you! 👍

And stylegrep is coool!

Sounds good. 👍
Postcss is good, and it comes with less and sass support. 🎉
There could be a challenge mapping linked elements to children. 🤔
That's something I ran into with Redot.

There could be a challenge mapping linked elements to children

My main worry how

a i {
  color: blue;

Would parse, since it could have children of type selector or declaration.
It looks like Postcss doesn't parse selectors into nodes, so this wouldn't be an issue.

  "type": "rule",
  "selector": "a i",
  "nodes": [{
    "type": "decl",
    "prop": "color",
    "value": "blue"

Sorry, I got distracted this week! I still owe you two some other thoughts.

Quickly, though: I actually like that csstree AST a lot more than the gonzales-pe one, which has some quirks. For instance, property declarations have the property, delimiter, any whitespace, and value as their direct descendants, which makes it hard/weird to find property/value pairs with CSS selectors because you have to use sibling selectors, e.g. property[name=background] ~ value:not(:has(variable)). Being able to do property[name=background]:not(:has(variable)) would be ideal, and I think a bit faster.

Thanks for starting the discussion @wooorm !
We're in the process unifying ideas in with discussions unifiedjs/collective#44
If you'd like to continue this thread, or start a new one https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified/discussions will be the home for ideas going forward.