
Button text lowercase and icon size

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Love your remotes!

I have 2 issues,

  1. The button text does not honour lowercase as in older program versions.
    (See pictures below)
<button Text="Page Up" onTap="Kodi_Page_Up" />
  1. The icon size is to small, especially for tablets, these were also larger in older
    program versions.
    A icon size setting would be preferable, eg, iconsize = "large"


Old programversion:

It's almost necro bumping here, but....

Yeah, all caps is a personal choice, but a HORRIBLE design decision. What could POSSIBLY be the reason for that?

As for the icons, you could use your own images that are the right size(maybe use imagemagick to upsize them a touch).

pqvst commented

I think the uppercase text might be a side-effect from the default Android styles. I think it might be time to take a look at the button text and icons soon.