
Widgets and Quick Actions Not Working

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I'm wondering if anyone can help me get Quick Actions and Widgets working on my Samsung Galaxy Unified Remote App.

I'm able to connect to my devices and control them from the remotes in the Android App. When I press the default media pause_play, it is functional. However, when I create a remote action, even if it's the exact same action as the default Quick Action, it does not trigger any response.

In the session log, there were a few times when this came up:
Session: [device name]: unloading (Relmtech.Basic Input)
Session: [device name]: updating (Relmtech.Basic Input)
Agent: loading: Relmtech.Basic Input

When tracing the Lua Instance, nothing comes up. And eventually there's no logs altogether when pressed. I've tried Quick Actions and Widgets on Windows 11, two versions of Raspbian (x11 and Wayland), and Ubuntu (Wayland).

Is there something I'm missing?