
Is there any feature to support "Topic"?

strong84 opened this issue · 2 comments

Can user subscribe to a certain topic?
Use service as topic??

Can user subscribe to a certain topic?
Use service as topic??


My thoughts on how this could be designed:

Right now, you'd have to implement that in the application using uniqush-push at the moment. If it was implemented, I assume uniqush-push would map "Topic" ids to a Redis ZSET of subscriber IDs (not device ids/tokens) and the date when the subscriber was added to the topic (or just a regular hash)

  • And subscribers+service could be mapped to set of topic IDs for quick lookup
  • Subscribers can have more than one device; Device ids/tokens can be reset.

Related to #12

I was planning to add an optional prefix that applications could use to store data associated with PSPs. However, that's more useful for individual devices (e.g. app version, locale), not the subscriber themselves.

Other miscellaneous thoughts:

  • The application would have a better idea of whether users were cancelled, what the display name of a user is, what text to use for different locales, what time windows where they'd prefer to receive pushes, etc. Instead of providing a way to push to every subscriber in a topic+service, provide an API that can be used to fetch subscribers (and devices?) of a topic, and paginate based on the time the subscriber was added to the ZSET for the topic

If uniqush-push can support "Topic", it would be great.
But without "Topic", still, there are some workarounds.
I can use the push api to push to multiple subscribers. I think 10 maybe more subscribers maybe fine. but how about 100 more subscribers? the url will be extremely long. is there any potential performance bottle neck about this approach?