
add path-to-regexp support

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Right now the code is of take helper is :

const take = (match, callback) => (action, tree) => {
  const isMatching = false
    || (isString(match) && match === action.fullpath)
    || (isFunction(match) && match(action, tree))
    || (isRegExp(match) && action.fullpath.match(match))

  if (isMatching) return callback(action, tree)
  return false

We are testing match type from the easiest to test to the hardest.

  • How can we test that the string is a path type to apply path-to-regexp ?
  • Should we pass all string to path-to-regexp ?
    • Then what about performance ?

Sorry for the delay.

We could benchmark the different approaches, but I doubt that passing every string to path-to-regexp would cause any serious bottlenecks. It would be my preferred approach.