
References to missing CSS variables should fail the build

hojberg opened this issue · 3 comments

Anytime we reference a variable that does not exist (could be due to a typo or an old, since deprecated variable) we should fail the build.

This should fail both in ui-core and in the consuming applications.

Attempted this with postcss-css-variables without luck. It doesn't play well with how we consume ui-core and the custom module resolution we use for it.

Notably postcss-css-variables doesn't work with "global" css variables defined on :root, you'd have to import the variable module into each css file that needs it. This can sorta be dealt with by running postcss-import before postcss-css-variables, but this then has issues with the way we resolve ui-core.

An alternative route could to "lint" in a completely separate mechanism.
There's also things like this https://www.npmjs.com/package/@sonatype/undefined-css-variable-checker that run on a URL.

Added a small scrip that fails the build if missing css variables are used.