
As an anonymous user, I want to create an account, so I can use authenticated functionality.

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User (Web app) System (REST API)
1. Submit request to:
POST ./api/register
2. 2. Parse request to object instance model
3. 3. Validate model:
a. Unique username
    b. Unique, valid format email
    c. Min. password complexity
    d. Confirmation matches
4. 4. Invalid model - return HTTP 400
a. "Username is already in use. Please choose a different one.
b. OR "Email is already in use."
c. OR "Email is not in proper format".
d. OR "Password does not meet minimum complexity requirements. [Explain minimum complexity requirements.]"
e. OR "Password and confirmation do not match."
5. Display HTTP 400 exception message to user. 5.
6. 6. (From #3) Valid model
7. 7. Insert model into DB
8. 8. Return HTTP 200
9. Take user to authenticated homepage 9.
10. (User is authenticated) 10. (Credentials in DB)