
Add database on micro-grants

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It may be nice to collect some data on the funded micro-grant projects.

Example data points could be, for projects that have a GH repository:

  • Github data, such as repository stars, forks, "Used by" (eventually), releases (eventually), contributors, lines of code or commits. This could be included with GH REST API tools, which can be more easily interviewed with python libraries.
  • pypi or conda-forge downloads, which can be obtained from pypinfo and Anaconda package data
  • information on the use of documentation, continuous integration

Applying also other non-software type of projects, there could still be information on impact such as:

  • events held;
  • research papers or other research products;
  • technology transfer indicators.

In this gist there is a notebook with database, to be updated with ZXQuentiana, double-checked by @willzeng.

The notebook could be added to unitarydund/unitary-fund and displayed on the website, somehow.

We could use plotly for a more native web experience, using python. The data could be contained in a blog post, if we want to keep the minimalistic style of the website clean.