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Manage your application updates from remote source (API / Firebase).

UpdateCenter library notifies you when there are new updates for your app. It recognizes:

  • necessary update
  • unnecessary update
  • notification about new version available

Library uses VersionDataSource interface that provides necessary values for OnVersionCheckedListener . You can implement your own VersionDataSource which provides values from any API / XML / ...

UpdateCenter has implementation of FirebaseVersionDataSource that provides values from Firebase Remote Config (How to setup).


Add the jitpack.io repository:

allprojects {
 repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.unitedclassifiedsapps:updatecenter.android:${updateCenterVersion}'



How to use

Firebase configuration

Setup your app with Firebase as shown here

Add Firebase remote config dependency:

implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-config'

Via Firebase console define following parameters:

key:update_center_must_update value:[true/false]
key:update_center_should_update value:[true/false]
key:update_center_latest_version value:[semantic version string ex.: 1.2.3]

By setting up Remote Config Conditions you can control which app version gets what value (e.g. version 1.0.0 gets update_center_must_update as true but version 2.0.0 gets its value as false).

In app use

Show in sample app

Simply initialize UpdateCenter with provided FirebaseVersionDataSource:

val updateCenter = UpdateCenter(FirebaseVersionDataSource(context, FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance(), BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME), object : OnVersionCheckedListener {

            override fun mustUpdate(currentVersion: String, latestVersion: String) {

            override fun shouldUpdate(currentVersion: String, latestVersion: String) {

            override fun notLatestVersion(currentVersion: String, latestVersion: String) {

            override fun onError(currentVersion: String, exception: Exception?) {
                //log error

and call check() method


Based on your Firebase remote config configuration the appropriate OnVersionCheckedListener callback will be invoked.


  • Minimum Android SDK: UpdateCenter requires a minimum API level of 16.