
Bug Report: Secondary Weapons not being displayed

PiZZAD0X opened this issue · 2 comments

Description of issue

Units without secondary weapons display an unknown icon (placeholder icon for when item picture value is nil)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a mission with two units, one with a secondary weapon and one without.
  2. Load mission

Expected behaviour

Secondary weapon placeholder unknown should be either blank or backpack



Additional context


If this inline function is given a nil secondary weapon param, it still results in an unknown/placeholder icon displayed.

if (_image == "") then {_image = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\unknown_CA.paa";};

possible nil call to _getpicture

[secondaryWeapon _x, [56,28]] call _getPicture,

#5 has been merged. Close the issue once confirmed resolved.