
use citre to find reference with ctags? It shows me that "Can't find references:""(global backend)

e665107 opened this issue · 9 comments

When i use the citre to look up some refercnes of a variable in the verilog code, it tells me Can’t find references: "idelay_reset_cnt" (global backend).
The cmd is citre-jump-to-references, but how can i use it work correctly?

First let's see if gtags actually recorded the reference you need.

Run $ global -xr idelay_reset_cnt in your project root and see if there's any output.

Nothing put out!

I use the citre-create-tags-fire and have created the .tags file. Then i use citre-jump-to-reference, Do i need something else relate to global settings?

For now ctags doesn't generate references.

The only reference backend for Citre is the global backend. Read https://github.com/universal-ctags/citre/blob/master/docs/user-manual/citre-global.md to setup GNU Global and try again.

Is it support the verilog language?

It should support verilog but I haven't tried it. You need to use the pygments plugin parser for gtags, see the documentation.

Thanks for your suggestion. At present, i choose to use the ripgrep instead!

I have a question. Although the tags support the citre-jump, why it doesn't support the citre-jump-to-reference. Ctags is similar to the gtags. And gtags works very well. Can the function to be supported independently by ctags and citre?

I've already answered.

For now ctags doesn't generate references.