
"repetition-operator operand invalid" warning when run with no options.

thoughton opened this issue · 3 comments

Running with no extra command line options gives me the following warning:

$ ctags
ctags: Warning: regcomp ^[ 	]*+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(;|\([^)]*:[^)]*\)): repetition-operator operand invalid

Is this anything to worry about?

I'm installed from HEAD and up-to-date:

$ brew info universal-ctags
.../homebrew/Cellar/universal-ctags/HEAD-e1dcb48 (7 files, 629.7K) *
  Built from source on 2016-12-29 at 21:37:06

I'm running on Mac OS X 10.9.5.


I think it's a matter of setting.
You use empty ~/.ctags and try to solve the error.

You're right, I had a ~/.ctags file, likely from an old (not "universal-") version of ctags, just containing some Haxe language definitions. I no longer need those definitions, and deleting that file solved the problem.

Thanks for the help!

(I will make ctags load ~/.u-ctags instead of ~/.ctags.)