
brew install fails to link libxml2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I don't know a lot about Mac dev unfortunately but like some other open issues, the Homebrew instructions complete with a failure. I tried the workaround mentioned elsewhere regarding just building from the source cache but that fails in the same way...

In my case, it's failing to link. In the output there's a bunch of CC calls, then CCLD ctags then I get a list of undefined symbols; _xmlDocGetRootElement, _xmlFree, and so on. /usr/lib has a 'libxml2.dylib' and a line in the config.log says:

checking for libxml-2.0 >= 2.7.7... yes

...although it's a symlink to libxml2.2.dylib.

Not sure what to do at this point short of removing the XML parser.

Hi @tplunket ,
It is probably resolved by installing libxml2 with homebrew. However, I thought that this problem was strange in the past. I think that autoconf is misunderstanding.

By the way, will the result of the following command still be 2.2?

$ /usr/bin/xml2-config --version

@KazuakiM /usr/bin/xml2-config reports 2.9.2. /usr/local/bin/xml2-config reports 2.7.7 and that's the one that's found by which xml2-config. I honestly couldn't say where that came from.

Hi @tplunket
I update this project , add "--without-xml" options.
So add options and try again?

if u don't need xml feature, just use:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-xml