
  1. Install lsp
    1. gopls
    2. rust_analyzer
    3. phpactor
  2. Install CTags instruction
  3. Pull config
git clone git@github.com:unixoff/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
  1. Run :PlugInstall
  2. Shortcut link


Shortcut Component Description
M-n NERDTree open tree
M-t NERDTree toggle tree
M-f NERDTree find of tree
t NERDTree open new tab
gt NERDTree next tab
gT NERDTree prev tab
i NERDTree open split
s NERDTree open vsplit
o NERDTree open current window
m NERDTree show menu
<leader>ff Telescope find on filename for all project
<leader>fg Telescope find on text in the file for all project
<leader>fb Telescope find on filename for buffer files
<leader>fh Telescope find on tags for all project
gr Navigation show reference and context
K Navigation hover doc
<space>D Navigation type definition
fd Floaterm open docker
ft Floaterm open terminal
fs Floaterm switch floaterm
fc Floaterm close floaterm
gd LSP go to definition
gD LSP go to declaration
gi LSP show implementation
<leader>b Custom(Go) build go files
<leader>r Custom(Go) go run
<leader>t Custom(Go) go test
,<space> Custom reset after find
M-, Custom line go to down
M-. Custom line go to up
M-h Custom back word (b)
M-l Custom next word (w)
M-j Custom block down (S-])
M-k Custom block up (S-[)
M-d Custom delete word (bdw)
M-c Custom global copy
bn Custom go next buffer
bp Custom go prev buffer
bc Custom close current buffer
to Custom open new tab
tn Custom tab next
tp Custom tab prev
tc Custom tab close
<f8> Custom toggle tagbar
<leader>[ Custom vertical separation and open a terminal (resize 10)
<leader>] Custom horizon separation and open a terminal (resize 60)