
A minimalist CLI todo list.

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT


A minimalist CLI todo list.


Usage: zodo [command] [options]

  add [contents]        Add a todo item
  rm [item_id]          Remove a todo item
  ls                    List all the todo items


Via GitHub Releases

Go to release page, click on Assets at the bottom to show the binary files available for downloading.

Build Locally


  • Zig 0.10.0 or newer

Clone this repository and run the commands below:

cd zodo
zig build

The build artifact is at ./zig-out/bin directory. To build in release mode, run zig build -Drelease-small=true.


Where is the database file?

The database file is .zodo_db at your home directory. This is the only file created by zodo, you can safely delete it when the program no longer used.

Why is the database file getting larger and larger?

The database is stored as an append-only journal file. For performance considerations, existing record lines will not be touched once appended. As a benefit, all your history data are preserved in the journal file, and you can view it with any text editor.

In the future, we can provide a command to prune your database by reconstructing the whole journal file.
