
Doesn't support vue 2

dissanayakeG opened this issue · 3 comments

when i try to integrate with vue 2 (^2.6.14) this error occur. Uncaught TypeError: webpack_modules[moduleId] is not a function

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Hi, I have the same error, I have tried dowgrade to version but get other error:

error: /node_modules/vue-email-editor/dist/vue-email-editor.common.js
Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

Anyone can help me pls.

@dissanayakeG @enrique-esteban @ShahrozAhmd I downgraded to version 1.0.0 and kept receiving some errors. However, then I've created my own EmailEditor.vue component and now now it works properly. I did not made any changes to the EmailEditor.vue, just copied the one from the project, not sure what was the issue, tbh.