
hidden fields on whereUniqueInput should be excluded from Prisma.AtLeast<> in Args classes

bobschulte opened this issue · 0 comments

I have my "id" field hidden from all inputs and outputs.

/// @HideField({ input: true, output: true})
id        Int        @id @default(autoincrement())

Since I have other unique fields on User (username & email), shouldn't the desired behavior be that it would not show up in my various generated args classes as well? For example:

export class FindUniqueUserOrThrowArgs {

    @Field(() => UserWhereUniqueInput, {nullable:false})
    @Type(() => UserWhereUniqueInput)
    where!: Prisma.AtLeast<UserWhereUniqueInput, 'id' | 'username' | 'email'>;

Even though 'id' is correctly receiving a HideField decorator in my UserWhereUniqueInput generated class, it would be desirable for 'id' to be excluded from the Prisma.AtLeast here as well within the generated args class.