[Question] Unable to apply filters on _count using ResolveField in Prisma with NestJS-GraphQL
florianrusso opened this issue · 0 comments
I have User and Message entity. A user can have many messages.
I want to apply a filter on count to only count draft messages.
Gql query
When trying to retrieve a user message with a draft status, I applied a filter using @ResolveField
query User {
user(where: {id: "<id>"}) {
_count {
messages(take: 1, where: {status: {equals: "draft"}}) {
_count {
Resolve field
I successfully implemented the ResolveField for messages to cater to multi-level queries:
// in the user resolver
@ResolveField(() => [Message], { name: 'messages' })
public getMessageProperty(
@Parent() user: User,
@Args() _findManyMessageArgs?: FindManyMessageArgs, // event if not used in function need to be here to allow us to use params when selecting user.messages like take, skip, ...
) {
return user.messages;
However, I'm struggling to achieve the same for the _count field. I aim to apply filters to the count, since Prisma supports this feature.
@ResolveField(() => UserCount, { name: '_count' })
public getCountProperty(
@Parent() user: User,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
@Args('where') countargs?: <TO_DO>,
) {
return user._count;
I've experimented with different argument types, but none appear to be compatible with Prisma's requirements. Specifically, when I try using @Args() query: FindUniqueUserArgs
, the selection derived from PrismaSelect
isn't accepted by Prisma.
Is my approach correct, or is there another recommended way to achieve this with the prisma-nestjs-graphql integration?