
prismaClientImport not working

anissouissi opened this issue · 4 comments


When I add this configuration:
prismaClientImport = "@prisma/catalog"

I still get import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'; in my generated file.

I was expecting to have import { Prisma } from '@prisma/catalog'; in the generated file.

That feature is only working in 19.3.0, but that one hasn't been officially released yet. @unlight Is there an ETA when that version will be released?

Thanks @roelbeerens

I hope this feature will be released soon.
I need it since I connect to different databases and I try to have a different client for each database.

Something happedned with semantic-release publish script.
Please try the latest version 20.0.2

Thanks @unlight
I update to version 20.0.2
Now the issue is fixed