
Need to remove the dependency to CommonServiceLocator package

carldebilly opened this issue · 4 comments

Bug Report

Current behavior

Right now there's a strong dependency to CommonServiceLocator package defined
in the csproj:

This dependency can conflict with higher level frameworks implementing the CommonServiceLocator of a more recent version.

Since Uno.Core is forcing a pretty old version, it's expected those conflicts can occurs.

Expected behavior

The code should be refactored to completely remove this dependency.

Just had the issue after referencing the latest version of MVVMLight which uses CommonServiceLocator 2.0.5 while Uno.Core still uses 1.3.0.
I downgraded MVVMLight to make it work. Is this the recommended solution until this item is adressed ? @MatFillion

@MakanWG This reference could be removed totally. I think it's used for logging, but we can (and should) use something else for that.

It can be replaced, but it will make for a binary breaking change. We'll be doing a set of breaking changes like those along with the changes in AndroidX (which is going to force a whole set of other breaking changes)

Related: #69.