
New Reference Overlay

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I just sent this via email as well, but here's a rehashing:

I see you've adapted Brandon's census dotmap - very cool idea to do
the demographic breakdown. However, there's a bit of a problem with
your use of the map viewing application.

The source code you've adapted is still using the reference overlay
tiles I added to the dotmap application: - I
happen to think they look great on your application as well, but
unfortunately they are being charged against my monthly Mapbox account
limit and your map is a popular one. I encourage you to plug a tileset
of your own into the application; you can sign up and get a URL here: (go to "customize" then
uncheck every layer other than streets).

There are other reference overlay options as well if you want to go a
non-mapbox route:

In any case, please let me know when you can switch tilesets - I don't
want to pull that function out from underneath your map but I will
have to shut down the feed if the expense goes much higher.

Thanks, and again great work adding depth to the analysis!

It's worth mentioning an easy solution is to plug in the Stamen Toner reference tiles, which are free of usage restrictions though they're a bit slower: