
Passing `filter-complex` parameters to FFMPEG

maptz opened this issue · 0 comments

maptz commented

Can you you pass filter-complex arguments to FFMPEG?

I'm trying to use ffmediaelement to show various different scope views of an input video. For instance, I can show a vectorscope using the following video filter:


I'd like to show audio histogram levels from a video input using the ahistogram filter. This requires use of a filter-complex . Is there a way to pass a filter-complex parameter to FFMPEG using ffmediaelement?

For an example of the ahistogram command in action from the command line, see (here)[].

Or look at the script below

#! /bin/sh
ifn="Air on the G String (from Orchestral Suite no. 3, BWV 1068).mp3"
ifnb="`basename \"${ifn}\" .mp3`"
pref="`basename $0 .sh`"

ffmpeg -y -i "${ifn}" -filter_complex "
" -map '[v]' -map '0:a' -c:a copy \