
Found multiple with same username: [user] - Count 2

isblokhin opened this issue · 1 comments

PassCore Server

  • OS: [Windows | Linux | macOS]
  • Provider: [Active Directory | LDAP]
  • Settings file (without sensitive information):
  • Log file (without sensitive information):

Describe the bug
hi, I did the installation of docker, this error comes out if the useautocontext parameter is disabled. if you enable it, then another error pops up, that there are several such users. the container could be started by changing the docker file using the string RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o /app /p:PASSCORE_PROVIDER=LDAP without --no-restore , otherwise an error would appear.

"AppSettings": {
    // The following options for AD Provider (remove if you don't use this Provider)
    "UseAutomaticContext": false, // Set true to allow PassCore to reset password using the same credentials, or false if you will fill the credentials below
    "RestrictedADGroups": [
   //   "Administrators",
   //   "Domain Admins",
   //   "Enterprise Admins"
    ], // Set the AD groups to restrict the use of PassCore
    "AllowedADGroups": [], // Set the AD Groups to allow PassCore, if the array is empty all the groups no-restricted above are allowed
    "IdTypeForUser": "SAM", // Possible values are "DN", "GUID", "Name", "SAM", "SID" and "UPN" (Default UPN)
    "UpdateLastPassword": false, // Set true to allow PassCore to  update the last password timestamp
    // The following options are for LDAP Provider (remove if you don't use this Provider)
    "LdapSearchBase": "OU=Structure,DC=domain,DC=ru",
    "LdapSecureSocketLayer": false, // Default for AD is true when using LDAPS 636
    "LdapStartTls": false, // Default for AD is true when using LDAP 389
    "LdapChangePasswordWithDelAdd": false,
    "LdapSearchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={Username})",        //"(sAMAccountName={Username})", // Another value: "(&(objectClass=person)(cn={Username}))"
    // General options (valid for both providers)
    "LdapHostnames": [ "" ], // Set your hostname(s)
    "LdapPort": 389, // Default for AD is 389, for LDAPS 636
    "LdapUsername": "user", // Set the username or distinguish name (DN) to bind the LDAP server
    "LdapPassword": "password", // Set the password for the username
    "DefaultDomain": ""

To Reproduce


warn: PassCoreLDAPProvider[0]
LDAP query: (&(objectClass=person)(cn=test2))
warn: PassCoreLDAPProvider[0]
Found multiple with same username: [test2] - Count 2

stale commented

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