
Unknown error (0x80005000)

isblokhin opened this issue · 5 comments

PassCore Server

  • OS: [Windows2016]
  • Provider: [Active Directory ]

Describe the bug
hi, I made an installation on iis, made all the installation points, here comes out such an error specified in the header. What's wrong with my configs?


"AppSettings": {
   // The following options for AD Provider (remove if you don't use this Provider)
   "UseAutomaticContext": false, // Set true to allow PassCore to reset password using the same credentials, or false if you will fill the credentials below
   "RestrictedADGroups": [], // Set the AD groups to restrict the use of PassCore
   "AllowedADGroups": [],	// Set the AD Groups to allow PassCore, if the array is empty all the groups no-restricted above are allowed
   "IdTypeForUser": "SAM", // Possible values are "DN", "GUID", "Name", "SAM", "SID" and "UPN" (Default UPN)
   "UpdateLastPassword": true, // Set true to allow PassCore to  update the last password timestamp
   // General options (valid for both providers)
   "LdapHostnames": [ "" ], // Set your hostname(s)
   "LdapPort": 389, // Default for AD is 389, for LDAPS 636
   "LdapUsername": "user", // Set the username or distinguish name (DN) to bind the LDAP server
   "LdapPassword": "password", // Set the password for the username
   "DefaultDomain": "DC=domain,DC=ru" // Set your default AD domain here, or non "@" logins will not work! Use empty value to allow user to set the domain. This option is ONLY available with UPN.
 "ClientSettings": {
   "ValidationRegex": {
     "EmailRegex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$",
     "UsernameRegex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]{3,20}$"
   "UsePasswordGeneration": false, //Set true to let PassCore create a new password for the current account. If true the user can not customize its new password.
   "MinimumDistance": 0, //The minimum distance beetween the old and the new password, this is used to enforce the edit distance using the levenshtein distance algorithm.
   "PasswordEntropy": 32, // the number of bytes of entropy to use for generated passwords
   "ShowPasswordMeter": true,
   "MinimumScore": 0, //The minimum acceptable score that the user's new password needs to get at being evaluated by ZXCVBN to be established as the new password.
   "Recaptcha": {
     "SiteKey": "", // ReCAPTCHA public key: replace this! or leave empty if you don't need ReCAPTCHA
     "PrivateKey": "", // ReCAPTCHA private key: replace this! or leave empty if you don't need ReCAPTCHA
     "LanguageCode": "en"
   "UseEmail": "false",


warn: Unosquare.PassCore.PasswordProvider.PasswordChangeProvider[0]
      Not using AutomaticContext
warn: Unosquare.PassCore.PasswordProvider.PasswordChangeProvider[0]
      **Unknown error (0x80005000)**


I have the same Error, any suggestion ?


You might want to try to add the domain controllers one by one and not with the domain name (eg. "LdapHostnames":["", ""],).


stale commented

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.


Receiving same error, even when only using one DC by FQDN:
warn: Unosquare.PassCore.PasswordProvider.PasswordChangeProvider[0]
Not using AutomaticContext
warn: Unosquare.PassCore.PasswordProvider.PasswordChangeProvider[0]
Unknown error (0x80005000)

Installed from source downloaded June 2022, code dated 4/27/22.
IIS 10 / WIndows Server 2019
appsettings.json - settings are same as initial problem report