
I can't install:"Unosquare.PiGpio 0.0.2".

Ergonoodle opened this issue · 4 comments

I can install Unosquare.PiGpio 0.0.1. But I can not install "Unosquare.PiGpio 0.0.2".
Error: Unable to install the “Unosquare.PiGpio 0.0.2” package. You are trying to install this package into a project, the required platform version of which is “.NETFramework, Version = v4.6.1”, but the package does not contain references to assemblies or content files compatible with this platform. Additional information can be obtained from the author of the package.

What .NET framework are you using?

I use .NETFramework, Version = v4.6.1.
What am I doing. I created an empty Windows Forms project (.NET Framework) Version = v4.6.1.
Open Package management NuGet and finde Unosquare.PiGpio 0.0.2 and when i install, i get this error.


Sorry, you need to use net462 or better.

Thank you!