
import script setup component Module has no default export.

634323580 opened this issue · 5 comments

jddao commented


Can you provide a minimal reproduction?

nuxt 2 + typescript without using nuxt bridge
buildModules param in nuxt.config.ts is like

  buildModules: [
    ["@nuxtjs/dotenv", { path: "./" }],

And when i import the child component (written in vue setup syntax) in the parent component,
the nuxt builtin fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin typescript check would throw out an error as below

ERROR in src/pages/chatroom/:id.vue:23:8
TS1192: Module '"/Users/gewb/workspace/my-stream-fe/src/components/chatroom/PrimarySidebar.vue"' has no default export.
    21 | 
    22 | import MainContent from "~/components/chatroom/MainContent.vue";
  > 23 | import PrimarySidebar from "~/components/chatroom/PrimarySidebar.vue";

related issue: #676 #668 of fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin