
Hardcode md5 for bz*

Opened this issue · 3 comments

With the proliferation of custom builds of unraid (DVB, nVidia, and the new Ryzen build), unraid needs the md5s of the bz* files hardcoded somewhere (and not on the flash where it's easy to change) so that the diagnostics can tag something as saying that the user is running a custom build.

Not saying that this is currently an issue, but eventually one of the guys making the builds is going to screw up and cause issues that isnt related to unraid itself.

We've been saving sha256 of all bz files since beginning of 6.8. We could create api call to retrieve those for a given version. I'll add to the laundry list.

The one on the flash isn't good enough as any of the image guys could simply update it with their own md5.

Sure but upon boot (or anytime) a function can be run that generates the sha256 of existing bz files and compares against both on-flash and make call to our key-server api endpoint that provides the sha256 of bz files for a given release.