
how does update.htm actually make updates and how are table+form change events being handled for reset vs done

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I wasn't sure where to ask this. I'm not really working on a plug-in so I didn't think the forums were the right place. Happy to post there instead if I need to.

I am working on a change to add support for per user chroot jails to Unraid's stock FTP powered by vsftpd (#953). I have the backend logic figured out. Now I am trying to update the web UI to make it easier to select the chroot jail for each user.

I am able to figure out most of it by looking through the existing code. I am stuck on two things:

  1. In the UI, when you change a select drop down, the "Done" button changes to "Reset". Where is the event logic for that? I can't find it. I can find the logic that changes it back to "Done" but not to "Reset" from "Done".
  2. How exactly does update.htm work? I can see that some updates are handled by asynchronous post calls to update.htm. But looking through that file I don't get how the back-end code is actually called? My back-end code just writes some string to a configuration file. I'd like to use update.htm to do that if possible but I can't figure it out.


I'd be interested to know that as well, and was unable to figure it out. I did figure out update.php that writes a config file, but some pages are using update.htm instead.

I will be honest, I had figured it out but I forgot now. My pull request is https://github.com/unraid/webgui/pull/958/commits in case it has the information you're looking for.

I don't use unRAID anymore so I can't even check.