
[Bug] Docker update status not working when using compose

HNGamingUK opened this issue · 3 comments


It has been discovered that when using docker-compose the update status of containers does not work correctly.

/var/lib/docker/unraid-update-status.json This is the file that gets updated, but obviously does not get updated when running a compose pull.

I am personally not sure why a specifically generated file is being used over checking the sha of the container.

This is an issue with the compose manager plugin not updating unRaid's image version database.
I've satrted working on a fix: dcflachs/compose_plugin@4297b46

This is an issue with the compose manager plugin not updating unRaid's image version database. I've satrted working on a fix: dcflachs/compose_plugin@4297b46

Any progress on this? I've been just deleting the json file and re-running the the update checks every time I update one without changing tags with the compose plugin.

@andrebrait comment on the PR thread linked as it's a compose manager issue, not a webgui issue. Hopefully it gets merged or reviewed soon.