
Information window uses Java icon

OlsonDev opened this issue · 6 comments

It should use the application's icon instead of the default (ugly in my opinion) Java icon.

So does Memory statistics & Debug Console.

Please check if this is fixed in fc191eb.

I do not have a Java environment set up to compile that but reading through the code, it looks to cover all instances I mentioned (and more). I'd recommend creating a utility function to DRY out your code a little but that's your call.

This in particular is quite repetitive:

if(Java6Util.isJava6OrHigher()) {
    Java6Util.setIconImages(FileSystemBrowserWindow.WINDOW_ICONS, this);
else {

You are really picky aren't you? ;-) If you would go through the rest of my code like that you'll find many other strange design decisions and various cases of code reptitiveness.
Anyway, just because you pointed it out I did clean this up by putting the repetitive code in a common superclass. See: 6a68a2d

Yup; I may be picky but have you seen Linus Torvalds? :-P Like I said, your call. I just appreciate clean code so I pointed it out. I approve of the changes! ;-)

Speaking of appreciation, thanks for making HFSExplorer, it's been pretty useful the past week or so.

If you're submitting code for the Linux kernel there's a whole other magnitude of stuff that can go wrong and affect everyone depending on Linux. I can fully sympathize with being extremely picky under those circumstances. :-)

Anyway, closing this issue now.