
Why isn't the action published to Github market place?

suryasr007 opened this issue · 5 comments

Why isn't the action published to Github market place?

Because this was initially just in the Actions beta and I'm not sure the marketplace was open yet when I created it? And then I never got around to it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But you're right, of course. I'll publish it.

@aaronklaassen In particular, would appreciate a versioning label to avoid regression risks between upgrades :)

Yeah the reason seems to be that there's just some "tags", and no actual GitHub "releases": https://github.com/unsplash/comment-on-pr/releases. Once there's (for example) a v1.2.0 release, we can use this Action with unsplash/comment-on-pr@v1 instead of having to specify the exact version (unsplash/comment-on-pr@v1).

This'll also make it available on the marketplace I believe.

@aaronklaassen I'd love to get this done; is there any way I can help? 😄

re: versioning. you can just use the commit hashes (it's just a commitish reference)

We prefer frozen published (non-repo) versions to decrease risks like someone maliciously taking it down, force-pushing something else at the version, etc...