
Wrong photo_image_url + premium photos

bagheriali2001 opened this issue · 1 comments

In the lite dataset, 3 photos have corrupted photo_image_url links. I have fetched the real photo_image_url from photo_url, in case anyone wanted them.
rsJtMXn3p_c -> https://images.unsplash.com/9/vectorbeastcom-grass-sun.jpg
vigsqYux_-8 -> https://images.unsplash.com/reserve/vof4H8A1S02iWcK6mSAd_sarahmachtsachen.com_TheBeach.jpg
9_9hzZVjV8s -> https://images.unsplash.com/reserve/RFDKkrvXSHqBaWMMl4W5_Heavy_company

In addition, 20 images are premium in the dataset and the images available have watermarks. It would be awesome for the next version not to include these or have a flag that would disclose if they are premium or not.

PS: I have requested access to the full dataset for a few days now and still haven't gotten any response (Including acknowledgment of receiving the request). Usually how much does it take for a request to be reviewed and is there any email for acknowledging that the request was received successfully?

Ids of the premium images (the photo_image_url of these photos in the dataset are giving a 404 response, and the ones on the website have a watermark):
NvL3xrjEX3k, dkmjbTrHUEo, Bvoc14Xyt00, gEb091vDXOs, Srlss1BXN1k, GFttLy00kEE, pduv-eZsfeI, uIrfFEDXcLE, vJkk9ELe-wk, PnrrSnzyU8s, MmWy_lqDQNE, lIWy4xWEtKo, Yi-bJNtHziA, gEbJwcbWNpc, _mu0vTle47w, Ah3ir6fxfqg, iXBGCA5AhZQ, 3t78mz5oVx8, uhyiwekQbsM, EdLtou2WSxU