Closed this issue · 5 comments
cheesetosti commented
Would be great to have the track total automatically tagged too
I usually download 1 track from an album and then have no clue how many total tracks the album actually has. Cheers!
cheesetosti commented
SquashingBugs commented
I would like to point out that some programs do not recognize "TOTALTRACKS", but rather "TRACKTOTAL" instead, like itunes for instance. There's also the case where the track and track total can be in the same tag field, like "1/4", "2/4", etc.
cheesetosti commented
You can use a simple bash script which uses metaflac to edit the tags and split "1/4" up to TRACKNUMBER=1 and TRACKTOTAL=4. Ask chatgpt to spit out a simple bash script for this and you're golden.
SquashingBugs commented
My apologies. I just discovered this so I'll give it a try.