
Weak/irregular broadcast on some machines

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I've been loving gr-mixalot! I have however been experiencing some issues using it on less "beefy" machines like the Raspberry Pi 2 or a dual-core NanoPC. I'm using a hackrf to transmit and an rtl-sdr to monitor that transmission. Everything works fine when I transmit using the hackrf from my Macbook Pro, however both the RPi2 and the NanoPC broadcasts appear "choppy" and irregular and cannot be picked up on the pager that I am broadcasting to. Do you think these machines are just too weak to run the DSP algorithms or do you think there is something else I might be able to do to get gr-mixalot working on them?


Hmm.. I'm inclined to think that they're just not powerful enough.

Have you tried reducing the sample rate, by any chance?

Oops, forgot to close this. Your guess is indeed correct, the two machines were simply not beefy enough to support the default sampling rate. I was able to lower the rate to a workable speed with the NanoPC, however it seems that the RPi 2 just doesn't have the power to run gr-mixalot reliably. Thanks for the input!