[bug]: `exchange_rate`: it does not work
diver9989 opened this issue · 3 comments
diver9989 commented
Check the bug has not already been reported
- I could not find the bug in existing issues
Edit function_name
and the short error description in title above
- I wrote the correct function name and a short error description in the title above
What happened and what did you expect?
seems like not working ;(
unytics commented
Hi 👋 @diver9989,
Thanks a lot for opening this issue.
Seems like https://exchangerate.host which is used in this function is not free anymore.
Let me find an alternative.
If you have one, don't hesitate to tell me
unytics commented
I found two open-source packages:
- https://github.com/MicroPyramid/forex-python : the data is from European Central Bank. It seems great but only covers 31 currencies instead of 169 currencies that were supported by exchangerate.host. https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/index.en.html
- https://github.com/fawazahmed0/currency-api/ : 1500 github stars. Much more countries. But it seems to be missing days in the update. No data in september?
What do you think?
unytics commented
Finally, I changed the source to use Yahoo Finance. I re-deployed the function.
Here is the new code: https://github.com/unytics/bigfunctions/blob/main/bigfunctions/exchange_rate.yaml#L33
To me, it works.
Please re-open an issue if you encounter any other problem.
Thanks again for creating this ticket!