

Opened this issue · 7 comments

You should receive notification when messages are received. Currently, only a sound is played.
Also, the indicator for where the message came is a bit unclear right now.

Also, the indicator for where the message came is a bit unclear right now.

which indicator?

if you are on windows, the lack of actual notifications is due to some technical restrictions. specifically, GTK (the GIO component in particular) doesnt provide a notification backend for windows, nor can i use something like wintoast since the necessary headers arent available in mingw64. i was considering making a separate helper program that can do the heavy lifting for windows specifically but im not very enthused about that

I'm using KDE Plasma (Wayland) on Arch.
These are the indicators (the bits on the side):

But the indicators aren't really a problem, I rarely use them on regular Discord either and just look at the notification contents

strange that notifications dont work for you. do other application notifications work? does running notify-send trigger a notification?

Vencorddesktop, discordcanary and notify-test all work fine.

does this little example program send a notification?
g++ test.cpp $(pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 --cflags --libs)

#include <gtkmm.h>

int main() {
    auto app = Gtk::Application::create("com.example.test");
    Gtk::Window window;
    window.set_default_size(300, 300);
    auto n = Gio::Notification::create("Test");
    Glib::signal_timeout().connect_once([&]() {
        app->send_notification("123", n);
    }, 100);


thats pretty bizarre. if you really are getting the notification sound from abaddon that means effectively the same code is being run. you could maybe edit com.example.test in the test program with com.github.uowuo.abaddon to see if maybe you accidentally disabled notifications? if the test application still works with that change and you double checked your settings, maybe try removing lines 28-30 here and 34-35 to see if somehow the icon is preventing the notification from showing up