
Clang build crashes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Building with Clang works just fine, but the build crashes at startup with

(abaddon:81377): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 18:28:43.577: gtk_tree_model_sort_get_value: assertion 'VALID_ITER (iter, tree_model_sort)' failed

Running with debugger reveals that this occurs in ChannelListTree::SelectionFunc when comparing type

bool ChannelListTree::SelectionFunc(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> &model, const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &path, bool is_currently_selected) {
if (auto selection = m_view.get_selection()) {
if (auto row = selection->get_selected()) {
m_last_selected = GetViewPathFromViewIter(row);
auto type = (*model->get_iter(path))[m_columns.m_type];
return type == RenderType::TextChannel || type == RenderType::DM || type == RenderType::Thread;

I am not much familiar with GTK, but it seems like type returned by get_iter is in invalid state.

Clang version info:

> clang --version
clang version 16.0.6
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /nix/store/naz8m910ndn4s8w4wgkh8l8wxk2bcdnk-clang-16.0.6/bin

can you try this? idk why iter would be invalid here but the tree model shit has always given me problems. let me know if selection breaks with this and ill look at some other options

diff --git a/src/components/channellist/channellisttree.cpp b/src/components/channellist/channellisttree.cpp
index 4816b42..35bfa2d 100644
--- a/src/components/channellist/channellisttree.cpp
+++ b/src/components/channellist/channellisttree.cpp
@@ -1158,8 +1158,11 @@ bool ChannelListTree::SelectionFunc(const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> &model, c
-    auto type = (*model->get_iter(path))[m_columns.m_type];
-    return type == RenderType::TextChannel || type == RenderType::DM || type == RenderType::Thread;
+    if (const auto iter = model->get_iter(path)) {
+        auto type = (*iter)[m_columns.m_type];
+        return type == RenderType::TextChannel || type == RenderType::DM || type == RenderType::Thread;
+    }
+    return false;
 void ChannelListTree::AddPrivateChannels() {

That fixed it, I don't see any problems with the channel selection. iter might be invalid for some reason specifically on startup. I see that by default Abaddon selects the first channel in the list.

I had the same issue on OpenBSD with Clang version 13 since Abaddon version 0.1.14
I fixed this by compiling with -O1 instead of -O2.

Seems Clang's optimizations causes problems with this specific code block.

ouwou commented

forgot about this but added the fix. realistically it was probably just UB