Course :: TDD, Reactoring and Java Framework with Spring Boot

Day 1

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Working with JUnit 5
  • Code smell and Refactoring
  • All about REST
  • Java Web Frameworks
  • Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Better project structure of Spring Boot
  • Working with Embedded Database (H2 database)
  • How to testing with Spring Boot project ?
    • Controller Testing
    • Repository Testing
    • API Testing

Day 2

  • Working with Code coverage
  • Working with Database
  • Testing strategies
    • Unit testing
    • Spring Boot Testing in Controller layer
    • Spring Boot Testing in Service layer
    • Repository Testing
    • Use Mocking tool such as Mockito
  • Demo: Working with MongoDB
  • How to use Docker with Spring Boot
    • Build Docker Image
    • Ship Docker Image to Registry
    • Run container from Docker Image

Sample code for RESTFul API with Spring boot workshop

Code Example
