vpc-cni addon configuration example
ytsarev opened this issue · 0 comments
ytsarev commented
What problem are you facing?
As a follow-up to #11
we need to provide example of vpc-cni addon configuration, similar to
- name: vpcCniAddon
apiVersion: eks.aws.upbound.io/v1beta1
kind: Addon
addonName: vpc-cni
resolveConflicts: OVERWRITE
matchControllerRef: true
configurationValues: '{"env": {"AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_CUSTOM_NETWORK_CFG":"true", "ENI_CONFIG_LABEL_DEF":"topology.kubernetes.io/zone", "WARM_IP_TARGET":"10", "WARM_ENI_TARGET":"0", "WARM_PREFIX_TARGET": "0"}}'
As was pointed out by @haarchri , it should also involve the vpc-cni
creation ordering, as addon should be created after the Cluster but before NodeGroup for proper config propagation.
How could Upbound help solve your problem?
Extend Configuration with the associated example