
Not very clear how to restore contents

schroef opened this issue · 4 comments

THe description doesnt state properly how we can restore the contents of the coreservices folder. As we dont have writing access to this folder by default. Would be nice if information was added how to bypass this or how to get write access to this folder

As i have been trying to find more info to get access to this folder. It seems cant be done without disabling SIP or boot from a different drive.

Would like to have perhaps some alternatives if there are any.

Tried the other approach by using a bootable disk, the example code was different vs the folder name i got though. My DMG was called AHTDOne, tried it is uing journaled extended. after reboot holding option and choose the USB stick. It simply booted from the normal HD?!?!? No AHT showed, kinda weird right!

What i also found weird is that by using Terminal to get those hardware codes and machine. I get Macpro2.1 return but the other number is for 3.1 Macpro?! We bought this machine second hand, perhaps its even third hand orso. Not sure if everything is still original thus and some parts are a mix and match. But i doubt that could cause those numbers to be mixed. Isnt that related to the logic board and its components?

Beloow is what i get in return from Terminal

Mac-Pro:~ macpro1$ sysctl hw.model | awk '{ print $2 }'
Mac-Pro:~ macpro1$ ioreg -l | awk -F\" '/board-id/ { print $4 }'

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I guess im using the wrong AHT test then. I got a Macpro2.1 but my number is not in that list, i used a MacPro3.1 number
I have not figured out yet have to get the proper DMG from that url as they are weird numbers starting with "test-"

I have perhaps found my AHT from this website; https://pinoytech.ph/threads/apple-hardware-test-aht.1518/
Ill test it and report back, it also has some other numbers. Perhaps they could be added to your list here as it could help
other people.
But notice how this second number, Mac-F42C88C8, again matches a MacPro3.1?!
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Not luck with that F42C88C8 neither, ill try the 2.1 from this Github then