
Primary LanguageVim Script

Settings for development environments

Configuration files

  • .bash_profile
    • sample bash profile
  • .profile
    • base bash profile
  • .vimrc
    • vimrc
  • .pythonrc
    • python startup script
  • tmux.conf
    • tmux configuration
  • .screenrc
    • screen configuration
  • .git-completion.bash
  • .git-promt.sh
  • iTerm2/
    • iTerm2 configuration file for mac
  • git submodule update --init --recursive

Setup scripts

  • set_profile.sh
    • to set profile when multiple users share a user account in linux
    • including scripts/func_profile
  • mkln.sh
    • to create symlink some files in your HOME directory
    • configuration files and util scripts
  • all.sh
    • to install some packages using local install scripts
    • including mkln.sh


  • bin/atx
    • shortcut tmux command with some options
  • bin/gfind
    • to search text via find/grep
  • bin/nfind
    • to search text in file names
  • bin/xfind
    • to search text for specific extension
  • bin/ofind
    • to search text for linux kernel sources
  • ctrl_slaves/
    • to command slaves in master-slave networks via ssh/rcp

Local install scripts on linux environments

  • scripts/git_local_install.sh
  • scripts/tmux_local_install.sh
  • scripts/htop_local_install.sh
  • scripts/leveldb_local_install.sh
  • scripts/pyenv_local_install.sh
    • pip_local_install.sh
    • python2.7_local_install.sh
  • scripts/sbt_local_install.sh
  • scripts/golang_local_install.sh
  • scripts/node_npm_local_install.sh
  • scripts/memcached_local_install.sh
  • scripts/redis_local_install.sh

Created at 19-Apr-16 by Dongwon Kim (dkim010@gmail.com)