
Perl scripts for processing OpenStreetMap's GPX planet

Primary LanguagePerl

GPX Planet Tools

These tools are for processing planet.gpx, an enormous CSV file consisting of point coordinates. Get it here.

  • filter-points.pl

    Extract points inside a polygon specified by a osmosis' poly file or a number of them (or just a bbox). Can be used to make a regional extracts of planet.gpx.

  • filter-gpx.pl

    Make extracts for GPX planet dump. Accepts tar file on STDIN and produces tar file and a metadata header for each filtering polygon.

  • gpx2bitiles.pl

    Renders planet.gpx or its part into "bitiles": bit arrays that can later be rendered into regular png images.

  • clean_bitiles.pl

    Clean bitiles of salt-and-pepper type noise (there's a lot of it between latitudes -28.65 and 28.65).

  • bitiles2png.pl

    Convert bitiles to png images and generate low zoom tiles from them.

  • checkstatus.pl

    Draws an image of all existing tiles for a given zoom. Useful for checking rendering progress of gpx2bitiles.pl -- but only for CSV input.

You can create antialiased low zoom tiles using this tool.


  1. Make a regional extract for Austria.

     xz -cdv gps-points.csv.xz | perl filter-points.pl -p austria.poly | xz > austria.csv.xz

    Result: austria.csv.xz with every point that lies inside austria.poly polygon.

  2. Make regional extracts for Austria and Germany simultaneously.

    Create a file regions.lst with the following two lines:


    Run a script:

     xz -cdv gps-points.csv.xz | perl filter-points.pl -l regions.lst -o extracts -z

    Result: two files in extracts directory, austria.csv.gz and germany.csv.gz (gzipped because of -z switch).

  3. Make regional extracts from GPX dump for Austria and Germany.

     xz -cdv gpx-planet-dump.tar.xz | perl filter-gpx.pl -l regions.lst -o extracts -z
     for f in extracts/*.gz ; do echo $f ; gzip -dc $f | cat ${f%.tar.gz}.metadata.tarc - \
     | xz > ${f%.gz}.xz ; rm $f ; rm ${f%.tar.gz}.metadata.tarc ; done
  4. Create zoom 12 bitiles for Australia.

     xz -cdv gps-points.csv.xz | perl gpx2bitiles.pl -b 112,-44,154,-10 -o ausbitiles -z 12

    The process doesn't differ for GPX dump, except you have to untar it:

     tar -xJOf gpx-planet-dump.tar.xz | perl gpx2bitiles.pl -b 112,-44,154,-10 -o ausbitiles -z 12
  5. The same, but in three processes.

    Run the following commands simultaneously (in different windows or processes):

     xz -cdv gps-points.csv.xz | perl gpx2bitiles.pl -b 112,-44,154,-10 -o ausbitiles -z 12 -t 1,3
     xz -cdv gps-points.csv.xz | perl gpx2bitiles.pl -b 112,-44,154,-10 -o ausbitiles -z 12 -t 2,3
     xz -cdv gps-points.csv.xz | perl gpx2bitiles.pl -b 112,-44,154,-10 -o ausbitiles -z 12 -t 3,3

    During its run, gpx2bitiles script creates temporary files gpx2bitiles.state*. Those files are needed in case something happens: processing a CSV file can take several days, and this is a mean to resume processing. If you have stopped the script and do not intend on resuming, do not forget to delete state files.

  6. Remove noise from generated bitiles.

     perl clean_bitiles.pl -i ausbitiles -o acbitiles
  7. Create PNG tiles for Australia, zoom levels 0 to 12.

     perl bitiles2png.pl -i acbitiles -o austiles -0 -v
  8. Create PNG tiles for Sydney with light green dots, zooms 5 to 12. Write empty tiles where there are no points (JOSM requires them).

     perl bitiles2png.pl -i acbitiles -o sydneytiles -b 150.8,-34.1,151.4,-33.6 -z 12 -u 5 -c 0,255,0 -e -v


Written by Ilya Zverev. All scripts are under WTFPL license: you can do whatever you want with them. Please do not make regional extracts or tiles of your cat. Thanks.