
Add StrongName signing

stkaratz opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Can you add signing so it can be referenced by signed assemblies?

upta commented

I'll take a look into this. Sorry, saw you created the issue and totally spaced it!

Hello. Don't mean to bug you, but are you planning on addressing this soon? I'm asking because I would love to know if we should keep using the package ๐Ÿ‘

upta commented

Alrighty @stkaratz , I spent some time and got the strong naming added. It's not something I've ever done before, so I'd like for you to build it and give it a test run and make sure that it's working how you expect.

Once I get confirmation, I'll update the Nuget package as well.


Thank you so much for your replies ;)

upta commented

@stkaratz were you able to give this version a try to make sure it serves your needs?

@upta Thanks. Will test until tomorrow and get back to you ๐Ÿ‘

@upta Good morning :) I did test master here and it works perfectly. If it's not much trouble, when are you planning on publishing this on nuget?

upta commented

Sorry about the delay, holidays slowed things down :)

Published to Nuget as 2.2.0

Hi Upta,
I have a question, on Nuget you have published 2.2.0 versin, but in your code version is 3.0.0.
Version 2.2.0 has issue with strong name on my project.
I builded version 3.0.0 and referenced it in the project, and is working fine.
Maybe it would be good to publish the 3.0.0 version?

upta commented

@number4400 You know, I thought that was odd when I did it (vaguely remembered bumping the version to 3.0.0; apparently I should have second-guessed myself when I discarded that thought ;)

I'll get that updated as soon as I can, hopefully later on today.

Thanks for the heads up!

upta commented

@number4400 I got the 3.0.0 version published up to Nuget, not sure what happened there :) Let me know if you have any issues with that one, thanks!