
Failed to load objects of pyprover

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, this issue is a detailed explanation of my question stackoverflow.
I followed the following advise.

Can you (a) try again, but with dill.detect.trace(True) and print out the traceback? (b) also try changing dill.settings['recurse'] = True to use a serialization variant?

I tryied to use dill to save and load a logical expression of pyprover. However, it failed.
Below is the code I used.

# !pip install pyprover

import dill 
from pyprover import *

logic = ~A & B


dill.settings['recurse'] = True

with open("test.pickle","wb") as f:

with open("test.pickle","rb") as f:
  logic2 = dill.load(f) # error


And, the output is below.

T4: <class 'pyprover.logic.And'>
INFO:dill:T4: <class 'pyprover.logic.And'>
# T4
INFO:dill:# T4
D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757dba7d0>
INFO:dill:D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757dba7d0>
T4: <class 'pyprover.logic.Not'>
INFO:dill:T4: <class 'pyprover.logic.Not'>
# T4
INFO:dill:# T4
D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757d87f00>
INFO:dill:D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757d87f00>
T4: <class 'pyprover.logic.Prop'>
INFO:dill:T4: <class 'pyprover.logic.Prop'>
# T4
INFO:dill:# T4
D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757d8faf0>
INFO:dill:D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757d8faf0>
# D2
INFO:dill:# D2
# D2
INFO:dill:# D2
D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757d9b190>
INFO:dill:D2: <dict object at 0x7fc757d9b190>
# D2
INFO:dill:# D2
# D2
INFO:dill:# D2
1 ~A & B
2 <class 'pyprover.logic.And'>
3 <class 'pyprover.logic.Prop'>
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-15-9e6a64c3b2be>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <module>
     17 with open("test.pickle","rb") as f:
---> 18   logic2 = dill.load(f) # error
     20 print(logic2)

1 frames
[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dill/_dill.py](https://localhost:8080/#) in load(file, ignore, **kwds)
    371     See :func:`loads` for keyword arguments.
    372     """
--> 373     return Unpickler(file, ignore=ignore, **kwds).load()
    375 def loads(str, ignore=None, **kwds):

[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/dill/_dill.py](https://localhost:8080/#) in load(self)
    645     def load(self): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes
--> 646         obj = StockUnpickler.load(self)
    647         if type(obj).__module__ == getattr(_main_module, '__name__', '__main__'):
    648             if not self._ignore:

AttributeError: 'Top' object has no attribute 'elems'

The environment I used is google colabratory.

And the following is the versions of libraries imported in the code and python.

!pip list | grep pyprover  -> 0.6.2
!pip list | grep dill ->

import sys
# 3.7.13 (default, Apr 24 2022, 01:04:09) 
# [GCC 7.5.0]

I tried to import modules like this but it didn't solve the problem.

import dill 
import pyprover
from pyprover import *
from pyprover.logic import *
from pyprover.parser import *
from pyprover.constants import *
from pyprover.atoms import *
from pyprover.util import *
from pyprover.tools import *
from pyprover.__coconut__ import *
from pyprover.__init__ import *

If any information is missing, please let me know.

Two observations:

  1. This types of objects are unpickleable (actually "non-loadable") in general, i.e. both for dill and for pickle. Using the object from your example:

    >>> import pickle
    >>> pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(logic))
    AttributeError: 'Top' object has no attribute 'elems'
  2. The class BinaryOp in pyprover.logic implements a non-trivial __new__() method and should also implement a __reduce_ex__() method to be pickleable. The pickled object's elems attribute should be passed to it as arguments, but the default object.__reduce_ex__() doesn't do it.

    How it is with object.__reduce_ex__():

    >>> logic.__reduce_ex__(pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)
    (<function copyreg.__newobj__(cls, *args)>,
     (None, {'elems': (Not(Prop("A")), Prop("B"))}),

    How it should be with a custom BinaryOp.__reduce_ex__() method (the two None items at the end are irrelevant):

    >>> logic.__reduce_ex__(pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)
    (<function copyreg.__newobj__(cls, *args)>,
     (pyprover.logic.And, Not(Prop("A")), Prop("B")),  <---
     (None, {'elems': (Not(Prop("A")), Prop("B"))}),

    See how the change fixes it. Reconstructing the object manually as the function load(s) would do:

    >>> rv = logic.__reduce_ex__(pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)
    >>> rv = (rv[0], rv[1] + rv[2][1]['elems'], *rv[2:])  # change second item
    >>> # below is how pickle processes the reduced value in this case
    >>> cls, *args = rv[1]
    >>> obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args)
    >>> state, slotstate = rv[2]
    >>> for name, value in slotstate.items():
    ...     setattr(obj, name, value)
    >>> obj
    And(Not(Prop("A")), Prop("B"))

It's really easy to make this class and its subclasses pickleable. You should ask the pyprover devs to implement this or propose it yourself. See https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#object.__reduce__ for details. But this should suffice (not tested):

class BinaryOp(Expr):
    # __new__(), __init__(), etc.
    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
        if protocol < 2:
            raise NotImplementedError  # legacy format, not covered here
        rv = super().__reduce_ex__(protocol)
        return (rv[0], rv[1] + self.elems, rv[2])

Thank you very much for the swift reply.
I think I've learned a lot.

@ryoryon66 Great! I think I just forgot to tell you how I found out that the problem was with the class BinaryOp... Using the logic object from your example:

>>> # First, let inspect the object and its type:
>>> logic
And(Not(Prop("A")), Prop("B"))
>>> cls = type(logic)
>>> cls
>>> # The object is pickled by calling its __reduce_ex__() method
>>> # (falling back to __reduce__() if the other is not defined).
>>> # What classes 'And' descends from and which one implements it?
>>> cls.__mro__
>>> cls.__reduce_ex__
<method '__reduce_ex__' of 'object' objects>
>>> # So it uses the default __reduce_ex__() from the base class 'object',
>>> # that's why it pickles successfully. Let's see what it returns:
>>> logic.__reduce_ex_(3)
(<function copyreg.__newobj__(cls, *args)>,
 (None, {'elems': (Not(Prop("A")), Prop("B"))}),
>>> # It uses __newobj__() to recreate the object, which we know, by the
>>> # documentation, that will call And.__new__(). Let's look at it:
>>> cls.__new__
<function pyprover.logic.BinaryOp.__new__(cls, *elems)>

Bingo! There it is: And inherits its __new__() method from the class BynaryOp, which receives elems as expanded arguments. This is missing from the second tuple returned from __reduce_ex__().

I actually inspected the module's source code to understand the problem, but didn't need to in this case.

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. I really learned a lot of things I didn't know such as mro. I also learned a lot about analysis methods.