
Support Rotation

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When I present an alert and then rotate my device… the alert view rotates correctly, but the blur area doesn’t.

screen shot 2015-04-03 at 2 58 01 pm

if you have any suggestions on this, please let me know. I attempted to get a new screenshot on rotation but the animation is super jumpy and ugly

So, is there any reason you're doing your own blurring logic instead of using the UIVisualEffectView?

So I played replacing the blur logic with UIVisualEffectView and while it’s an easy fix, it’s not as nice visually. It’s super blurry and the only style options you have are ExtraLight, Light, and Dark. It also requires iOS 8 and we’re supporting this pod back to iOS 7.

some info on this matter in here: http://www.raywenderlich.com/84043/ios-8-visual-effects-tutorial

i tried implementing willTransitionToSize and animateAlongsideTransition and it still is pretty choppy. Although, if I pass YES to afterScreenUpdates when taking a screenshot it delays the rotation but doesn't look choppy when rotating