
Delete stale branches

Opened this issue · 5 comments



I noticed there are quite a few stale branches (see https://github.com/urfave/cli/branches/stale). Can they be removed?

(Mostly) done! Thank you for calling this out @bartekpacia 🤘🏼 ❤️

Thanks! :)

BTW, why are names for v1 and v2 branches end with t? v1-maint, v2-maint, etc? I guess it's for trunk but I'd like confirmation.

@bartekpacia t stands for maintenance. main is already trunk.

@abitrolly thank you:)

@dearchap there's also a branch of yours called v2-maint-nogen. Do you plan to land it into v2?

@bartekpacia v2-maint-nogen is from #1802