
Does urho3d support Korean?

zdx1012 opened this issue · 10 comments

When I display Korean characters, boxes are displayed on the screen

I am not sure built-in fonts contain Korean characters, but Urho should be able with rendering any left-to-right script, provided appropriate font.

@eugeneko I tried different font files, such as Microsoft YaHei font. I tried to use Python language to call the same font file to draw a picture. I don't understand why the correct text can't be displayed on urho3d?

Urho3D supports CJK (display) and even IME (input). However, I must say that I only tested this on a Linux machine where the UTF-8 support is everywhere. If you are targeting Windows platform then thing could be different and probably there is pitfall that you should avoid, IDK.

We only ship the project with one of the "free" font to serve as an example. You have to replace that anyway when working on a real project using Urho3D as the library.

Lastly, you may want to have a look at this PR (#2526). Depends on your use case, you may want to apply this PR. For some reason, we have dropped the ball at the last minute due to small disagreement. I think it should be useful to merge this to main branch actually. @1vanK What do you think?

1vanK commented

@weitjong I fully support your idea to add a new beautiful font with a large character set. We can use it in Editor that already has multilingual support.

@1vanK Maybe Roboto font for default and one of the Noto Sans fonts based on the chosen CJK language. Yes, that would be nice.

1vanK commented

Old Anonymous Pro.ttf



Just quickly glanced it on my iPhone. My eyes tell me Roboto is better. Just my two cents.

1vanK commented


Back to the original topic. We might also need a few language-specific Noto sans font files for the CJK language that we might want to support out of the box. See https://fonts.google.com/?query=noto+sans

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